Hormones + Acne

Fluctuations in hormones, especially around menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause, can cause various types of acne. Do you get a warning zit a few days before your menses begin? Does a zit appear like a blazing red flag that the time is coming? Red alert, literally!

What do we do? If you are an individual who experiences PMS symptoms, your body may crave everything that will cause more acne and breakouts. Hormonal acne is caused by the fluctuations of androgen, testosterone, and estrogen. Like a teeter-totter, they flow back and forth, up and down throughout your menstrual cycle. The ebb and flow of your hormones cause the body to secrete more sebum. The oil interacts with the bacteria on your skin by your hair follicles clogging the pores. This process creates acne. Hormonal acne can be whiteheads, blackheads, inflammatory, or cystic ranging from moderate to severe.

How do you naturally combat hormonal acne?


The excess production of sebum in the body means it is vital that the natural oils on the skin remain balanced. If you experience inflammatory acne, Calm Everything Oil is an excellent product to soothe and heal your skin.


Dry skin can trigger excess oil production. Hydration is KEY! To keep your skin supple and balanced, take in as much H20 as throughout the day. The increase in water will also help curb PMS symptoms such as cravings and cramps.


Adopting a clean eating regimen will help balance the sebum excretion and your hormonal imbalances. This would be the time to embrace anti-inflammatory foods and omega-3s. Add grapefruit, turmeric, leafy greens, oats, berries, sweet potatoes, and high-quality proteins to your diet.


When the fight or flight response triggers within your nervous system, androgen is secreted. Maintaining your peace and cutting down on your stress will help control hormonal acne. If you ever needed a reason to embrace “Leave me alone. I need some peace.” this would be the time. Embrace your spiritual and mindfulness practices. Learn some new grounding and or deep breathing techniques.


A lack of sleep can cause cortisol to surge. What happens when cortisol surges? You guessed it! Hormones fluctuate. Acne can appear. Adopt a schedule that gives you more time for rest and restoration. Perhaps this is where the term “beauty sleep” comes from. What do you think?

This is a simple and short list of ways to help you avoid and cure hormonal acne. Do you experience hormonal acne? What has helped you? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.


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