Menu Planning!

This post is NOT a sponsored post.I've used Notes on my Mac to keep track of my dinner menu, the top part was the menu for two weeks, while underneath the menu was a sort of running list of all the things I would make at home.

Notes1  Notes2
After years simply using Notes on my Mac, I decided I would really like something a bit less cumbersome, so I downloaded several menu building apps.  I started with the free ones, but found them all to lacking in one way or another.  So, I decided to try one of the ones you pay for, Paprika.  I was pretty excited that the first one I tried I liked quite well.It does take a bit of time and ramp up using my own recipes.  But I love that I can surf on their internal browser and get recipes off of sites all over with the click of a single button (whoohoo!).  My own array of recipes are not well categorized, but most of the things on the menu are things I make frequently enough that I don't need the recipe, but for those that I need it, it's linked from the calendar to the menu.  It makes it so easy to pull all the recipe info into the app, including the picture.  When the information is available, it also pulls in the nutritional facts as well.  I do rather wish an app like this would take the items you add to a recipe and build the nutritional information for me.  I would definitely like to see where some of my recipes stack up.I love that it helps me build my shopping list for the week and keeps the items in a category. After I've dragged and dropped all my recipes to my calendar days, and moved things until I'm statisfied, I can then add these items to my shopping list.  It doesn't seem to keep count of things, so you have to manage the list a little when you are done adding everything, but it does allow you to uncheck items from a recipe you don't want added to the list.    While not in the same order as my grocery store layout, it helps me not forget items on my list.The only thing I wish it did was allow me to create a printable calendar menu.  Rather like the school lunch menu, except for my household.  I frequently take a screen shot to accomplish the same function.I do have a tendency to transpose the dinner menu to my to-list I keep with me in a notebook I take with me everywhere. It works for me. I use two pages for each week, with my to-do's on one side and dinner menu and additional grocery list, and some notes.  Most of my notes pertain to my daughter's life, like if she has to practice anything from her music lessons, ballet, or school. Sometimes it has to do with my Mother-in-Law, or hubby as well.These are the ways I keep my menu in front of me, just to make sure I have everything I need when it comes to getting a good dinner on the table.As a disclaimer, I have not been engaged to write this about Paprika nor have they given me any money to write this.Coming soon, some free printable for helping organize your menus and such!All the Best!Liz


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